Quaderni di Dipartimento [serie ordinaria – Anno 2002]


[ 20222021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 e precedenti ]

ISSN: 2279-9559 (dal n. 1 al n. 157), 2279-9567 (dal n. 158 al n. 363), 2279-9575 (dal n. 364 in poi)

178  Fabio FIORILLO, Claudio SOCCI
Quale politica fiscale regionale? Analisi del federalismo italiano attraverso un modello CGE [dicembre 2002]
  Il percorso di progressivo decentramento regionale, che ha visto coinvolta l'Italia dagli anni '90 e che ha avuto il suo culmine nella modifica del Titolo V della Costituzione, aumenta la rilevanza delle politiche regionali. Per tale ragione occorre una maggior attenzione alle problematiche connesse alla concorrenza fiscale, e in genere territoriale, tra le Regioni. Nell'odierna organizzazione dello Stato in senso quasi federale occorre una maggiore attenzione sia nella costruzione della contabilità economica regionale, sia nel fornire strumenti di valutazione delle politiche socioeconomiche. Questo lavoro ha tre obiettivi: presentare uno schema contabile biregionale (Marche – Resto dÆItalia) che permetta di cogliere le dinamiche regionali; suggerire un modello di equilibrio economico generale che tenga conto della struttura istituzionale italiana; simulare e testare il modello utilizzando la base dati costruita.
Citations:   CitEc
177  Antonio G. CALAFATI, Francesca MAZZONI
Una città in nuce nelle Marche [novembre 2002]
Citations:   CitEc
176  Roberto ESPOSTI, Pierpaolo PIERANI
Public R&D Investment and Cost Structure in Italian Agriculture 1960-1995 [novembre 2002]
  R&D price, optimal investment, public R&D, short-run cost function
JEL Classification:
  O30 Economic Development, Technological Change, and Growth – Technological Change; Research and Development – General
  Q16 Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics; Environmental and Ecological Economics – Agriculture – R&D; Agricultural Technology; Biofuels; Agricultural Extension Services
  This article deals with the role of public research in Italian agriculture during the period 1960 to 1995. A short-term specification of the GL cost function capable of accommodating quasi-fixed factors and variable returns is employed. Temporary equilibrium and scale economies are investigated with special emphasis on methodological implications of R&D stock and;consistency of the estimated model with microeconomic theory. Confronting the relevant shadow and rental price the model provides evidence on the topics of under (over) investment and the rationale driving public research expenditure in agriculture A formal test for the induced innovation hypothesis, the calculation of the internal rate of returns and TFP growth decomposition are also considered.
Citations:   CitEc
175  Pietro ALESSANDRINI, Luca PAPI, Alberto ZAZZARO
Banche, territorio e sviluppo [ottobre 2002]
Citations:   CitEc
174  Massimiliano BRATTI
Parents' Current Income, Long-term Characteristics and Children's Education: Evidence from the 1970 British Cohort [ottobre 2002]
  children, education, family income, hot check imputation, ordered probit
JEL Classification:
  J20 Labor and Demographic Economics – Demand and Supply of Labor – General
  J24 Labor and Demographic Economics – Demand and Supply of Labor – Human Capital; Skills; Occupational Choice; Labor Productivity
  This paper investigates the effect of parentsÆ current income and long-term;family characteristics on individualsÆ highest educational qualification ob-tained;by age 26 using UK data from the 1970 British Cohort Study. The;issues of the possible sample selection bias produced by the not completely;random omission of current family income and that of its potential endo-geneity;are addressed, using a hot-deck multiple imputation procedure and;including an indicator of child ability, respectively. I find evidence that cur-rent;family income has a statistically significant positive impact on childrenÆs;education, although it is one of negligible magnitude. Long-term family char-acteristics;are far more important.
Citations:   CitEc
173  Antonio G. CALAFATI
Conservazione e sviluppo locale nei parchi naturali: un'agenda di ricerca [settembre 2002]
  LÆintersezione tra sviluppo locale e conservazione del capitale Þ uno dei;temi territoriali pi¨ interessanti e complessi che vi siano oggi in Italia. Tanto sul;piano dellÆanalisi e della ricerca quanto su quello delle politiche pubbliche, i;vincoli e le possibilitÓ che questa intersezione pone restano, tuttavia, largamente;inesplorati – benchÚ nellÆultimo decennio vi sia stata in Italia una evidente;crescita di interesse per il tema, la quale si Þ manifestata attraverso la creazione;di una delle pi¨ vaste reti di aree protette antropizzate che vi siano oggi in;Europa.
Molti dei luoghi in cui si manifesta questa problematica intersezione tra;sviluppo locale e conservazione sono oggi parchi naturali. Ma, contrariamente a;quanto spesso si afferma, in Italia i parchi naturali non sono un vincolo bensý;una possibilitÓ: la possibilitÓ di dare una soluzione ai problemi che declino;economico e degrado del capitale locale pongono alla politica territoriale .
LÆesplorazione condotta in questo lavoro concerne una classe pi¨ generale;di temi rispetto a quella che si incontra nei parchi naturali italiani. I parchi;naturali sono, tuttavia, i territori in cui lÆintersezione tra sviluppo economico e;conservazione, manifestandosi in modo pi¨ evidente, si lascia meglio studiare.
Soprattutto, essi sono territori rispetto ai quali la collettivitÓ ha identificato un;ben delineato progetto di intervento pubblico. Il focus sui parchi naturali;antropizzati ha pertanto due ragioni: lÆinteresse in sÚ che ha questo campo di;indagine e di intervento pubblico e lÆinteresse per le applicazioni che i risultati;ottenuti possono avere per il pi¨ ampio tema delle relazioni tra sviluppo;economico e conservazione.
Citations:   CitEc
172  Fabiano COMPAGNUCCI, Francesca MAZZONI
Il territorio dei parchi nazionali italiani [settembre 2002]
  Nonostante lÆimportanza che i parchi nazionali hanno assunto – se si;considerano i loro confini sociali essi coprono il 10% della superficie nazionale;- il tema dei caratteri del loro territorio resta ancora ampiamente non svolto. Nel;discorso pubblico, il territorio dei parchi nazionali appare solo raramente nei;suoi concreti e specifici caratteri e si Þ inclini ad immaginarlo come uno spazio;geografico de-antropizzato, piuttosto che per quello che effettivamente Þ: un;mosaico di paesaggi umani generati dallÆattivitÓ antropica, un mosaico di sistemi;locali ciascuno con la sua traiettoria di sviluppo economico. Questo lavoro si;pone lÆobiettivo di colmare in parte la lacuna conoscitiva oggi esistente sul;territorio dei parchi nazionali italiani, conducendo unÆanalisi esplorativa dei suoi;caratteri socio-economici. Dopo avere delineato lo sfondo istituzionale e;tematico della conservazione in Italia, verrÓ condotta una indagine empirica sui;caratteri del territorio dei parchi nazionali prendendo i Comuni come unitÓ di;descrizione. Attraverso uno studio di caso, verrÓ quindi discusso il tema della;identificazione dei sistemi locali nei parchi nazionali.
Citations:   CitEc
171  Antonio G. CALAFATI, Francesca MAZZONI
Conservation Policies as Local Development Policies: The Case of the Italian National Parks [settembre 2002]
  After briefly discussing the extent and features of Italian national parks, this paper takes some steps toward building a conceptual system for conservation policies in national parks where cultural capital as well as natural capital is subject to conservation. It argues that in protected territories where human landscapes predominate over natural ones, conservation policies ought to be conceptualised as development policies. Constraining property rights on local resources – which is the conventional view on conservation policies – should be set in the context of a more broadly encompassing approach whose key element is the regulation of the development trajectories of local systems.
Citations:   CitEc
170  Massimiliano BRATTI, Stefano STAFFOLANI
Student Time Allocation and Educational Production Functions [luglio 2002]
  course attendance, student performance, time allocation
JEL Classification:
  I21 Health, Education, and Welfare – Education and Research Institutions – Analysis of Education
  In this paper we aim to remedy some shortcomings in the economic literature on university student absenteeism and academic performance. We start by introducing a simple theoretical model in which students decide the optimal allocation of their time between lecture attendance, self-study and leisure. Under some speci.c assumptions, we .nd a positive relationship between lecture attendance and time devoted to self-study in each course, from which we infer that estimates of student performance regressions which omit self-study might be biased. Thus, we estimate an academic performance regression using data from .rst year undergraduate students of economics in the academic year 1998-99 at the University of Ancona (Italy) and .nd evidence that once self-study time is controlled for, the positive and signi.cant e.ect of lecture attendance for some courses disappears. This is likely to be important especially when student performance regressions are used to evaluate the effectiveness of course attendance and to inform the debate on the introduction of mandatory attendance on some courses to enhance student performance. JEL Class.: I21 Keywords: course attendance, student performance, time allocation
Citations:   CitEc
169  Paolo ZAGAGLIA
Matlab Implementation of the AIM Algorithm: A Beginner's Guide [luglio 2002]
  algebraic methods, macroeconomic modelling, software
JEL Classification:
  C63 Mathematical and Quantitative Methods – Mathematical Methods; Programming Models; Mathematical and Simulation Modeling – Computational Techniques; Simulation Modeling
  C88 Mathematical and Quantitative Methods – Data Collection and Data Estimation Methodology; Computer Programs – Other Computer Software
  E17 Macroeconomics and Monetary Economics – General Aggregative Models – Forecasting and Simulation: Models and Applications
  The Anderson-Moore algorithm provides a well-established solution method for forward-looking linear rational expectations models. It is widely used at the Federal Reserve Board for a variety of purposes, ranging from simulations of macroeconometric models to computations based on models of monetary policy. The aim of this paper is to support a wider use of the Anderson-Moore method by discussing the practical sides of its application. I describe the features of one of its Matlab implementations that is freely downloadable from the web. Experience shows that one is usually required to spend quite some time in order to fully understand how the available Matlab functions work. The ·emphasis is on the structures that should be modified to tailor the programs to one's needs. I also present the application of the algorithm to Coenen and Wieland (2000)'s macromodel of the Euro area.
Citations:   CitEc
168  Fabiano COMPAGNUCCI
Sviluppo senza crescita: il sistema locale del Casentino [luglio 2002]
Citations:   CitEc
167  Maria Rosaria CARILLO, Alberto ZAZZARO
The Enigma of Medieval Craft Guilds: A Model of Social Inertia and Technological Change [luglio 2002]
Citations:   CitEc
166  Roberto ESPOSTI, Alessandro SORRENTINO
Regolamentazione delle Innovazioni Biotecnologiche in Agricoltura e Accordi Multilaterali: Conflitti, Negoziazione e Innovazione Istituzionale [luglio 2002]
JEL Classification:
  F13 International Economics – Trade – Trade Policy; International Trade Organizations
  Q16 Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics; Environmental and Ecological Economics – Agriculture – R&D; Agricultural Technology; Biofuels; Agricultural Extension Services
  Q17 Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics; Environmental and Ecological Economics – Agriculture – Agriculture in International Trade
  This paper deals with the policy and regulatory options currently adopted for managing the main issues raised by the recent large diffusion of the genetically modified crops. A first aim is to analyse in depth which are these policy options and which is the rationale behind them. Though many different national approaches can be observed worldwide, USA and UE are the most relevant and cited cases of alternative (strongly permissive vs. strongly preventive) regulatory frameworks. In particular, the paper stresses the main explanations and implications of this USAvs.UE controversy also in terms of international negotiations. The paper focuses in particular on the WTO negotiations and the conflicts emerged in this context with respect to the GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) trade; attention is paid to illustrate to what extent the current WTO agreements can eventually admit both national precautionary regulations and international free trade for GMOs.
Citations:   CitEc
La funzionalità nelle zone omogenee delle Marche [maggio 2002]
JEL Classification:
  C81 Mathematical and Quantitative Methods – Data Collection and Data Estimation Methodology; Computer Programs – Methodology for Collecting, Estimating, and Organizing Microeconomic Data; Data Analysis
Citations:   CitEc
164  Massimo GIULIODORI
Monetary Policy Shocks and the Role of House Prices Across European Countries [maggio 2002]
  Housing systems, as a major sector of industrialised economies, might have profound effects on the transmission mechanism of a monetary shock. Despite a progressive convergence, however, EU countries still differ significantly in their housing and credit market institutions. This paper provides a theoretical discussion of the "housing market" channels of the monetary transmission mechanism (MTM) and offers some evidence on institutional differences across EU countries. Using recursive and semi-structural VARs, we identify monetary policy shocks and assess their effects on residential prices in eight European countries over the EMS period. Results show a different degree of sensitivity of house prices, partly consistent with the institutional features of the European housing systems. We then investigate the importance of these policy-induced changes in house prices in transmitting monetary shocks to the private consumption. In some countries, results provide some support for the view that house price channel may be an important source of MTM to consumption.
Citations:   CitEc
163  Alberto ZAZZARO
How Heterodox is the Heterodoxy of the Monetary Circuit Theory? The Nature of Money and the Microeconomy of the Circuit [aprile 2002]
Citations:   CitEc
162  Paolo ZAGAGLIA
On (Sub)Optimal Monetary Policy Rules under Untied Fiscal Hands [marzo 2002]
JEL Classification:
  E52 Macroeconomics and Monetary Economics – Monetary Policy, Central Banking, and the Supply of Money and Credit – Monetary Policy
  E63 Macroeconomics and Monetary Economics – Macroeconomic Policy, Macroeconomic Aspects of Public Finance, and General Outlook – Comparative or Joint Analysis of Fiscal and Monetary Policy; Stabilization; Treasury Policy
  We examine the interplay between monetary and fiscal policies in a context where disturbances to the public deficit process are a primary source of macroeconomic instability. We perform simulations of optimal targeting rules on a sticky-price model a la Woodford (1996). Our investigation compares the dynamic adjustment path under inflation targeting with that arising from nominal income growth targeting. When fiscal shocks enter the picture, inflation targeting is a superior strategy. In opposition to Jensen (1999)'s results, we show that an inflation targeter is capable of bringing about the required degree of interest rate inertia. This does not occur at the cost of additional nominal instability.
Citations:   CitEc
161  Marco GALLEGATI
Financial Constraints and the Balance Sheet Channel: a Re-Interpretation [febbraio 2002]
  Balance Sheet Channel, Financing Constraints, Impulse Response Analysis
JEL Classification:
  E51 Macroeconomics and Monetary Economics – Monetary Policy, Central Banking, and the Supply of Money and Credit – Money Supply; Credit; Money Multipliers
  G32 Financial Economics – Corporate Finance and Governance – Financing Policy; Financial Risk and Risk Management; Capital and Ownership Structure
  Aggregate demand models extending IS/LM fixed price framework yield an enhancement mechanism of the traditional monetary transmission mechanism, the credit channel, which, according to the credit view, works through the "balance sheet channel" and the "bank lending channel". In this paper I modify the augmented IS/LM model assuming that investments may be financed by both internal and external sources of funds. The inclusion of internal funds in the augmented IS/LM fixed price model suggests a different interpretation of the "balance sheet channel" as an enhancement mechanism amplifying monetary policv effects through the quantity rather than the cost of borrowing. Thus, changes in borrowers' net worth over the cycle can amplify and propagate output fluctuations directly rather than indirectly as in the traditional interpretation of the balance sheet channel. The empirical analysis of the monetary transmission mechanism for Italy in the last decade accords with the interpretation of the balance sheet channel proposed in this paper.
Citations:   CitEc
Il modello di specializzazione italiano: normalità e asimmetria [febbraio 2002]
  italia, modelli di specializzazione
JEL Classification:
  C10 Mathematical and Quantitative Methods – Econometric and Statistical Methods and Methodology: General – General
  F14 International Economics – Trade – Country and Industry Studies of Trade
Citations:   CitEc
159  Enrico GUZZINI
The Liberal Paradox and Non-Welfarist Theories: To What Extent is There a Compatibility? [febbraio 2002]
JEL Classification:
  D7 Microeconomics – Analysis of Collective Decision-Making
  A solution to the liberal paradox based on the conditional Pareto principle and the paretian epidemic is given. It is also shown a link between our solution and non-welfarist theories.
Citations:   CitEc
A note on the Balassa Index of Revealed Comparative Advantage [gennaio 2002]
  international trade, revealed comparative advantage, specialization
JEL Classification:
  C10 Mathematical and Quantitative Methods – Econometric and Statistical Methods and Methodology: General – General
  F14 International Economics – Trade – Country and Industry Studies of Trade
Citations:   CitEc