Pubblicazioni SSD SPS/09

DiSES – Pubblicazioni 2014-2015


SPS/09 – Sociologia dei processi economici e del lavoro
Ugo Ascoli (2014), Presentazione Rubrica Welfare Italia in “Politiche sociali”, Vol. 2, pp. 281-282
Lang.: itaRilev.: NazionaleCategory: Articolo in rivista


Ugo Ascoli, Chiara Agostini (2014), Il Welfare occupazionale: un’occasione per la ricalibratura del modello italiano? in “Politiche sociali”, Vol. 2, pp. 263-279
Lang.: itaRilev.: NazionaleCategory: Articolo in rivista


Ugo Ascoli, Gianni Sgritta (2014), Social Investment e innovazione sociale. Nuovi equilibri tra crescita economica, tutela dei diritti e coesione sociale in “Rassegna italiana di Sociologia”, Vol. LV, n. 3
Lang.: itaRilev.: NazionaleCategory: Articolo in rivista


Micol Bronzini (2014), Nuove forme dell’abitare, CAROCCI, Roma
Lang.: itaISBN: 9788843073467Category: Monografia o trattato scientifico


Micol Bronzini (2014), Esplorare il paesaggio: percorsi sentimentali, incontri e conversazioni in Vincenzo Zenobi (a cura di), “Paesaggio, conoscenza tacita e sviluppo locale. Il Progetto HISTCAPE ad Arcevia”
Lang.: itaISBN: 978-88-8249-057-7Category: Contributo in volume (Capitolo o Saggio)


Carlo Carboni (2015), M.Paci Lezioni di Sociologia storica in “Rassegna italiana di Sociologia”, Vol. 2, pp. 157-158
Lang.: itaReferee: Esperti anonimiRilev.: NazionaleCategory: Recensione in rivista
Keywords: sociologia storica


Carlo Carboni (2015), L’implosione delle élite. Leader contro in Italia e in Europa, Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli
Lang.: itaISBN: 978-88-498-4279-1Rilev.: NazionaleCategory: Monografia o trattato scientifico
Keywords: élite classe dirigente crony capitalism net élite


Carlo Carboni (2014), C’è anche la Macroregione nel futuro delle Marche in Pietro Alessandrini, “Marche +20 : lo sviluppo nuovo senza fratture”, pp. 403-417, Regione Marche, Ancona
Lang.: itaReferee: Comitato scientificoRilev.: LocaleCategory: Contributo in volume (Capitolo o Saggio)
Keywords: Macroregione


Carlo Carboni (2014), Commento a “Giovani sconosciuti.: fragilità e forza di una generazione” in “Prisma”, n. 2, pp. 115-117
Lang.: itaReferee: Comitato scientificoRilev.: NazionaleCategory: Articolo in rivista
Keywords: giovani


Carlo Carboni (2014), “Un grande obiettivo” in “Il Mulino”
Lang.: itaReferee: Comitato scientificoRilev.: NazionaleCategory: Articolo in rivista
Keywords: Partiti politici


Carlo Carboni, Francesco Orazi (2014), The Adriatic Macroregion in The Eurasian sociao-economic future in “Eurasian Journal of Social Sciences”, pp. 14-27
Lang.: engReferee: Esperti anonimiRilev.: InternazionaleCategory: Articolo in rivista
Keywords: Adriatico


Guido Giarelli, Elena Spina (2014), Self-help/mutual aid as active citizenship associations: a case study of the chronically ill in Italy in “Social Science & Medicine”, Vol. 123, pp. 242-249
Lang.: engReferee: Esperti anonimiRilev.: InternazionaleCategory: Articolo in rivista
Keywords: Chronically ill; Citizenship associations; Civil society; Self-help/mutual aid; Third sector
Abstract: Contrary to the most widespread conception that considers self-help/mutual aid as a component of the ‘third sector’, an approach is proposed which assumes, on the basis of the specific nature of the social bond and of the social action that characterizes it, it can be more properly considered as part of the ‘new civil society’ as it has been configured during the time in Western societies. This implies its location in the public non-state and non-systemic space that it has been created in the specific form of associations of citizenship. An interuniversity research project is then presented which, using this approach, studied the case of self-help/mutual aid associations for the chronically ill in Italy, offering some of the findings regarding the origin, structural characteristics, geographical distribution and activities of these associations in order to at least partially verify the heuristic value of this approach and its implications for the processes of reform of the health systems.


F. Minora, Micol Bronzini (2014), L’autocostruzione assistita: due casi a confronto in “Territorio”, Vol. 71, pp. 156-162
Lang.: itaReferee: Esperti anonimiCategory: Articolo in rivista


Francesco Orazi (2014), I giovani marchigiani tra le confortevoli gabbie della famiglia e l’incertezza dei loro destini: i risultati di una ricerca in “Prisma”, n. n. 2, 2014, pp. 69-85
Lang.: itaReferee: Esperti non anonimiRilev.: NazionaleCategory: Articolo in rivista


Francesco Orazi (2014), Giovani sconosciuti: fragilità e forza di una generazione (Editoriale) in “Prisma”, n. n. 2, 2014, pp. 5-8
Lang.: itaReferee: Esperti non anonimiRilev.: NazionaleCategory: Articolo in rivista


Emmanuele Pavolini, Elena Spina (2015), Users’ involvement in the Italian NHS: the role of associations and self-help groups in “Journal of Health Organisation & Management”, Vol. 29, n. 5, pp. 570-81-581
Lang.: engReferee: Esperti anonimiRilev.: InternazionaleCategory: Articolo in rivista
Keywords: Empowerment; Health care; Italy; NHS; Patients; Self-help
Abstract: Purpose – The purpose of the paper is to show the importance of considering patients’ and citizens’ associations for understanding users’ involvement in health care systems. Design/methodology/approach – The paper is based on both qualitative and quantitative data on Italy drawn from various sources (national statistics, own survey data, qualitative interviews). Findings – Although the paper avoids an excessively positive view of the success and frequency of collective patients’ participation, it nevertheless shows that the Italian National Health Care System (NHS) is undergoing important changes in this regard. Voice and co-production among patients, health care services and professionals have become more common and important also because of forms of collective action. Professionals themselves often belong to or promote such associations and groups. The Italian case also shows that voice and co-production tend frequently to merge into a single complex strategy where patients’ requests go along with their direct involvement in health care provision. Social implications – The study provides useful information for policy makers considering the implementation of policies that promote collective action in order to increase an active users’ participation in health care. Originality/value – This is one of the limited number of Italian studies which investigates users’ involvement in the NHS and collective action, thus adding knowledge to the limited research in this field.


Elena Spina (2014), La professione ostetrica: mutamenti e nuove prospettive in “Cambio”, n. 7, pp. 53-64
Lang.: itaReferee: Esperti anonimiRilev.: NazionaleCategory: Articolo in rivista
Keywords: Midwives, Process of professionalization, Historical-relational approach, Health policies.
Abstract: The paper focuses on the professionalization of Italian midwifery which, in recent years, has been involved in a process of social and professional mobility, together with twenty-one other health occupations. A historical-relational approach has been used. It adheres to Elias’ theoretical perspective according to which professions are considered as the result of the network of relationships that individuals build, therefore influencing their behaviour. Starting from the onset of the XX century, the historyof midwifery is reconstructed by dividing it into three distinct phases where periods of professional autonomy alternate with periods of dominationand subordination, thus limiting the acquisition of a professional status. Finally, in the conclusions the paper foreshadows the advent of a fourth phase in which new opportunities as well as new risks may appear for midwives. Only if the latter are able to grasp these opportunities while limiting the risks, can they achieve a higher professional status.


Elena Spina, Maria Giovanna Vicarelli (2015), Are young female doctor breaking through the glass celing in Italy? in “Cambio”, Vol. 5, n. 9, pp. 121-134
Referee: Esperti anonimiRilev.: InternazionaleCategory: Articolo in rivista


Maria Giovanna Vicarelli (2015), De la solitude des mourants à l’intersubjectivité de la mort in Ferréol Gilles, “Sentiments et émotions”, pp. 231-244, EME, Fernelmont
Lang.: fraISBN: 9782806632869Rilev.: InternazionaleCategory: Contributo in volume (Capitolo o Saggio)


Maria Giovanna Vicarelli (2015), Healthcare: difficult paths of reform in Ascoli U. and PavoliniE (eds), “The italian welfare state in a european perspective. A comparative analysis”, pp. 157-178, Policy Press, Bristol
Lang.: engISBN: 9781447316886Rilev.: InternazionaleCategory: Contributo in volume (Capitolo o Saggio)


Maria Giovanna Vicarelli (2014), Une approche innovante pour renforcer des patientes et des familles : le Family Learning socio-sanitaire in Maria Giovanna Vicarelli, “L’intervention sociale en debats”, pp. 187-202, CEI, Paris
Lang.: freISBN: 9782806632043Referee: NessunoRilev.: InternazionaleCategory: Contributo in volume (Capitolo o Saggio)


Maria Giovanna Vicarelli (2014), Le basi professionali dell’universalismo in sanità in “Politiche sociali”, n. 3, pp. 403-421
Lang.: engReferee: Esperti anonimiRilev.: InternazionaleCategory: Articolo in rivista


Maria Giovanna Vicarelli (2014), Les tatonnements de la mis en place de la formation managériale des médecins en Italie in “Sociologie Sant‚”, n. 37, pp. 123-136
Lang.: freReferee: Esperti anonimiRilev.: InternazionaleCategory: Articolo in rivista


Maria Giovanna Vicarelli, Gabriella Botti (2014), Curare al femminile: idee scientifiche e pratiche tra pubblico e privato (XIX-XX sec.) Introduzione in Guidi L., Pelizzari M.R., “Nuove frontiere per la storia di genere”, pp. 609-619, Università degli studi di Salerno
Lang.: itaISBN: 9788868440008Rilev.: NazionaleCategory: Contributo in volume (Capitolo o Saggio)