Pubblicazioni SSD SECS-P/06

DiSES – Pubblicazioni 2014-2015


SECS-P/06 – Economia applicata
Renato Cappellin, E. Marelli, E. Rullani, Alessandro Sterlacchini (2014), Crescita, investimenti e territorio: il ruolo delle politiche industriali e regionali
Lang.: itaISBN: 9788890963605Referee: Sì, ma tipo non specificatoCategory: Curatela


Renato Cappellin, E. Marelli, E. Rullani, Alessandro Sterlacchini (2014), Introduzione: linee guida per il rilancio della politica industriale in Leonardo Becchetti, Marco Bellandi, Patrizio Bianchi, Andrea Bollino, Roberto Camagni, Roberta Capello, Riccardo Cappellin, Stef, “Crescita, investimenti e territorio: il ruolo delle politiche industriali e regionali”, pp. 5-42
Lang.: itaISBN: 9788890963605Referee: Sì, ma tipo non specificatoRilev.: NazionaleCategory: Contributo in volume (Capitolo o Saggio)


Marco Cucculelli, Pietro Alessandrini (2014), I sostegni finanziari ai distretti: credito, innovazioni finanziarie e interventi pubblici in Coltorti Fulvio, “Idee, esperienze e progetti per rafforzare o ricostruire la competitività dei territori”, pp. 44-60, Unioncamere, Roma
Lang.: itaISBN: 9788860771391Referee: Esperti anonimiRilev.: NazionaleCategory: Contributo in volume (Capitolo o Saggio)
Abstract: Il presente lavoro assume come base di riferimento la profonda evoluzione strutturale che ha alterato l’assetto organizzativo e l’estensione delle relazioni geografico-produttive delle imprese distrettuali. L’ampliamento territoriale dei rapporti funzionali tra imprese e il maggiore peso delle imprese mediograndi hanno rilevanti conseguenze non solo sulla divisione del lavoro nei distretti e sulla loro competitività, ma anche sulle esigenze di una struttura finanziaria più solida. La crisi attuale, che ha colpitosensibilmente i distretti in alcune regioni, ha messo in evidenza la necessità di una maggiore diversificazione della domanda di finanziamenti e della introduzione di strumenti innovativi dal latodell’offerta di credito. Nel lavoro si passano in rassegna gli interventi di sostegno finanziario dell’operatore pubblico afavore dei distretti. In particolare, l’analisi a livello regionale mostra una elevata eterogeneità negli approcci seguiti, con riferimento ai tempi degli interventi e alla natura delle azioni proposte. Inoltre, si registra una sostanziale assenza di interventi diretti alle aree distrettuali attraverso l’attivazione dirisorse finanziarie specifiche, mentre nella gran parte dei casi si è fatto ricorso a risorse e strumenti sviluppati per altre iniziative ed estesi implicitamente alle aree e/o imprese distrettuali.Le conclusioni mettono in evidenza le interazioni finanziarie virtuose che si ritiene necessario attivare con il concorso di tutti gli attori: le imprese, le banche, i confidi, le istituzioni pubbliche.


Marco Cucculelli, Cristina Bettinelli (2015), Business Models, Intangibles and Firm Performance. Evidence on Corporate Entrepreneurship from Italian Manufacturing SMEs. in “Small Business Economics”, Vol. 45, n. 2, pp. 329-350
Lang.: engReferee: Esperti anonimiRilev.: InternazionaleCategory: Articolo in rivista
Keywords: Small and medium enterprises Corporate entrepreneurship Business model innovation Italy Intangibles Firm performance
Abstract: This paper examines the factors that affect firm performance in a sample of 376 small- and medium-sized Italian enterprises over the period 2000–2010. It looks in particular at changes in business models and investments in intangibles. We compared firms that continued to be managed through an existing business model with matched firms that changed their business model over the period. We found that a modification of the business model has a positive effect on the ability of the firm to perform well. There was also a positive complementary effect on performance of business model change and intangibles. These results are even more evident when business model changes were categorised by their degree of innovation, suggesting that business model innovation is core to firm performance and that intangibles are positive moderators. They play a crucial role in shaping the firm’s competences, which favour the success of an innovative business model configuration.


Marco Cucculelli, Cristina Bettinelli, Angelo Renoldi (2014), How small-medium enterprises leverage intangibles during recessions. Evidence from the Italian clothing industry in “Management Decision”, Vol. 52, n. 8, pp. 1491-1515
Lang.: engReferee: Esperti anonimiRilev.: InternazionaleCategory: Articolo in rivista
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to focus on how investments in research and development (R&D) and advertising affect the performance of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)during recessions. Empirical results confirm that market share and leverage moderate the effects of investments in R&D and advertising (i.e. intangibles) on performance, and also that changes in business models are an important contingent factor that explains performance. Specifically, the paper ascertains that a novelty-centered business model, together with investments in intangibles, positively affects performance during recessions.
Note: Originality/value – This study offers an input to the debate on how SMEs develop and sustain their competitive advantage during the recession. It contributes to existent theory by showing whether and how contingencies, such as a firm’s market share and leverage, moderate the relationship between performance and investments in R&D and advertising in SMEs. Second, it addresses the call for additional data “about the strategic effects of business models and how they influence the positioningof firms in their competitive environment” (Amit and Zott, 2008, p. 20) by introducing business model change/innovation as a new contingency factor and by empirically testing its effects on “objective measures of firm performance” (Bock et al., 2012, p. 301).


Marco Cucculelli, Federico Boffa (2015), Filiere internazionali, entrata in nuovi mercati e governance dell’impresa. Introduzione in “L’Industria”, Vol. XXXVI, n. 1, pp. 19-23
Lang.: itaReferee: Esperti anonimiRilev.: NazionaleCategory: Articolo in rivista


Marco Cucculelli, Jan Brzozowski, Aleksander Surdej (2014), Transnational ties and performance of immigrant entrepreneurs: the role of home-country conditions in “Entrepreneurship and Regional Development”, Vol. 26, n. 7-8, pp. 546-573
Lang.: engReferee: Esperti anonimiRilev.: InternazionaleCategory: Articolo in rivista
Abstract: This study contributes to the recent empirical literature on the performance of transnational immigrants’ firms by investigating the effect of transnational ties on the firm’s growth. In addition to the effect of the ties, the paper shows that home country’s institutional and socio-economic characteristics and country-specific entrepreneurial factors have a crucial role in shaping the ties–performance relationship. The evidence from a sample of immigrant-owned firms in the Italian information and communications technology (ICT) sector in the period 2000–2010 confirmed the relevance of the proposed model and helped in understanding a potential channel of improvements in immigrant firms’ performance through transnational ties. Our results show the limited relevance of a direct, or linear, impact of ties on the growth of sales in immigrant-run firms in the ICT sector, but support the crucial moderating role of home-countrycharacteristics on the ties–performance relationship.


Marco Cucculelli, Alan Carsrud (2014), Family Firms, Entrepreneurship, and Economic Development in “Journal of Small Business Managelent”, Vol. 52, n. 2, pp. 187-191
Lang.: engReferee: Esperti anonimiRilev.: InternazionaleCategory: Articolo in rivista
Abstract: it is widely acknowledged that family-owned andmanaged firms are an economic phenomenon with individual firms often persisting for decades, if not centuries. These firms are found across all industrial sectors from technology tohospitality. They exist in all nations and are increasingly seen as critical to new venture creation. However, despite the widespread existence of such firms, family business has only been researched for the last two decades. Much remains to be learned about family owned and managed firms and their impacts on local and national economies.


Marco Cucculelli, Gianluca Goffi (2014), Components of Destination Competitiveness. The case of Small Tourism Destinations in Italy in “International Journal of Tourism Policy”, Vol. 5, n. 4, pp. 296-326
Lang.: engReferee: Esperti anonimiRilev.: InternazionaleCategory: Articolo in rivista
Abstract: The paper operationalises the conceptual model of Richie & Crouch (2000) by identifying seven key determinants and a set of indicators of destination competitiveness. The aim of the paper is to test whether and to what extent the set of indicators can help explaining the competitiveness of a tourism destination. The model is tested on a unique dataset of 610 small Italian destinations. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is applied on the responses to the items measuring destination competitiveness. The output is reasonably similar to the corresponding elements of the model. PCA shows the importance of those elements related to sustainability that affect tourism policy-making and destination management processes. PCA also highlights the role of the core attractors – natural and cultural resources, events and gastronomy – thus suggesting that different marketing strategies may be implemented to reach different target consumer groups. Finally, the findings indicate that the demand factor needs to be considered in the explanation of tourist destination competitiveness.


Marco Cucculelli, C. Jayachandran (2015), Globalisation, the internationalisation of SMEs and intangible assets in “International Journal of Business and Globalisation”, Vol. 15, n. 4, pp. 442-446
Lang.: engReferee: Esperti anonimiRilev.: InternazionaleCategory: Articolo in rivista


Marco Cucculelli, Lidia Mannarino, Valeria Pupo, Fernanda Ricotta (2014), Owner-Management, Firm Age, and Productivity in Italian Family Firms in “Journal of Small Business Managelent”, Vol. 52, n. 2, pp. 325-343
Lang.: engReferee: Esperti anonimiRilev.: InternazionaleCategory: Articolo in rivista
Abstract: Using total factor productivity as a measure of corporate performance, we find that Italian family-run firms are less productive than firms run by outside managers and the result is robust to potential endogeneity of management regime. This difference tends to vanish when the age of the firms is taken into account. Also, when considering family-owned firms only, there is no difference in performance between outside managers and family managers.


Marco Cucculelli, Fabio Menghini (2014), Indirizzare gli investimenti privati verso le imprese a più alta crescita in “Imprese & Citt…”, Vol. Winter, n. 5, pp. 7-22
Lang.: itaReferee: Comitato scientificoRilev.: NazionaleCategory: Articolo in rivista


Marco Cucculelli, Claudia Pongelli, Caroli Matteo Giuliano (2015), Imprese familiari ed entrata nei mercati esteri: il ruolo del coinvolgimento della famiglia nel business in “L’Industria”, Vol. XXXVI, n. 1, pp. 93-110
Lang.: itaReferee: Esperti anonimiRilev.: NazionaleCategory: Articolo in rivista
Keywords: Internationalization; Family Firms; Foreign Market Entry
Abstract: When family firms decide to internationalize, they show a peculiar behavior compared to non-family business and linked to the fact the firm is family owned and managed. Despite the growing and recent body of literature about this topic and the amount of contributions made so far, it is still not clear the question of what and to what extent the family character of a firm has an impact on internationalization. In order to contribute to this debate we investigate both theoretically and empirically the relation between family involvement in management and foreign market entry modes.


R. Lehnus, Nicola Matteucci (2015), L’investimento pubblico in banda larga nelle aree rurali. Un reality check dell’esperienza italiana in “AgriRegioniEuropa”, Vol. 11, n. 42, pp. 55-59
Lang.: itaReferee: Esperti anonimiRilev.: NazionaleCategory: Articolo in rivista
Keywords: Ricerca e tecnologie, Sviluppo rurale, Infrastrutture a banda larga


Nicola Matteucci (2015), Il divario digitale infrastrutturale delle Marche in “Prisma”, Vol. 2015, n. 1, pp. 98-121
Lang.: itaReferee: Esperti anonimiRilev.: NazionaleCategory: Articolo in rivista
Keywords: Banda larga e ultra larga, copertura, indicatori, investimenti infrastrutturali, regione Marche.
Abstract: Undoubtedly a fast and sustainable transition to the most innovative eServicesrequires the preliminary availability of a pervasive, reliable and updated digitalnetwork infrastructure.Unfortunately, in Italy nor the Market neither the State effectively worked tosolve the enduring infrastructural digital divide affecting many less populated areasof the country. Although the awareness of this divide in the public opinion hasrecently grown, the accumulated retard persists, and reduces the competitiveness ofthe national economy, now adversely impacted by the structural crisis and theindustrial decline. In this work we critically discuss the conventional empiricalevidences available on the Marche Region, and we present new and more accurateones.Contrary to the received wisdom, it emerges that Marche and more generallythe NEC area remain among the most disadvantaged areas of the country, also dueto the polycentric and diffused characters of their model of socio-economic andurban development. Looking into the near future, we envisage that the passage tothe next generation of broadband (NGAN) will accentuate the existing coverageand quality problems of the digital infrastructure while, considering theemployable public funds, to date there isn’t any trace of a prospective landmarkchange in policy-making.


Nicola Matteucci (2014), ICT, banda larga e sviluppo rurale: temi eproblemi di lungo periodo in “AgriRegioniEuropa”, Vol. 10, n. 38, pp. 80-84
Lang.: itaReferee: Esperti anonimiRilev.: NazionaleCategory: Articolo in rivista
Keywords: ICT; banda larga; sviluppo infrastrutturale; aiuti di stato; aree rurali.
Abstract: In questo lavoro si ripercorrono i caratteri salienti dell’evoluzione recente del paradigma tecnologico delle ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) e della banda larga (BL), offrendone una loro originale panoramica e rivisitazione, particolarmente utile per l’analista ed il policy-maker che si occupino di problemi di innovazione e sviluppo locale – soprattutto quelli tipici delle aree rurali italiane. Successivamente, alla luce dei progressi recenti nella copertura a BL del territorio, si analizza la dinamica virtuosa e viziosa del gioco tra mercato e Stato, e si valutano le policy comunitarie ed italiane, evidenziandone i traguardi e le problematicità irrisolte. Seguono alcune brevi indicazioni di policy.


Nicola Matteucci (2014), L’investimento nelle reti NGA a larga banda: la ‘questione settentrionale’ in “Economia e politica industriale”, Vol. 41, n. 4, pp. 9-25
Lang.: itaReferee: Esperti anonimiRilev.: NazionaleCategory: Articolo in rivista
Keywords: Next generation access networks (NGAN); digital divide; digital agenda for Europe (DAE); EU structural funds; Northern Italy
Abstract: Current developments of DAE (digital agenda for Europe) emphasize investments in NGA broadband networks as a main step to promote public and private eServices and transform public administrations. We focus on Northern Italy, where fast diffusion of NGAN is currently perceived as a fundamental ingredient for increasing competitiveness and curb the economy’s decline. In particular, this work investigates the widespread market failures characterizing Italian NGAN roll-out, the possible solutions and the technical and financial feasibility of the proposed plans – both private and public. Together, it connects the issue of NGAN financing with the current debate on the efficient and effective usage of EU structural funds in Italy. The most likely predicted scenario is that many semi-urban and rural areas of Northern Italy currently affected by the broadband digital divide will be lacking fast and ultrafast digital connections for a long period: unfortunately, a large part of these areas hosts crucial and export-intensive aggregations of SME and industrial districts. As a results, most of the targets of DAE will be unachievable for Italy. The need of a more courageous and timely public investment agenda emerges.


Nicola Matteucci (2014), La banda larga del Veneto: stato, orientamenti epolitiche in “Economia Marche”, Vol. XXXIII, n. 1, pp. 64-82
Lang.: engReferee: Esperti anonimiRilev.: NazionaleCategory: Articolo in rivista
Keywords: Broadband, digital divide, infrastructural investments, Digital Agenda for Europe, Veneto region
Abstract: The implementation of DAE (Digital Agenda for Europe) progresses, and by 2013 a first main target – the universal coverage of basic broadband – should have been achieved within the EU. Unfortunately, member states and regions continue to show persistent differences in terms of Information Society developments. Regional policies also differ, and these can play a substantial role – especially with supply-side investments targeted at the solution of the infrastructural digital divide. We focus on the case of Veneto region, where ICT and broadband developments are correctly perceived to be an essential ingredient to cope with the economic recession and industrial decline. After critically examining the condition and the recent evolution of regional broadband supply , we try to assess the main policies. On overall, our analysis positively evaluates the regional policy-making, while at the same time recognizing that the shortcomings of the initial situation (geographic morphology of the territory, technical conditions of the existing copper network, demographic characteristics and the territorially dispersed model of economic activity) call for stronger public financial means – lacking private incentives. Moreover, we generalize our analysis looking at the next challenges posed by the current transition to NGAN.


Nicola Matteucci, Paolo Seri (2015), Editoriale in “Prisma”, Vol. 2015, n. 1, pp. 5-18
Lang.: itaReferee: Esperti anonimiRilev.: NazionaleCategory: Articolo in rivista
Abstract: Editoriale a numero della rivista


Nicola Matteucci, S. Vieira Lima (2014), Women and Happiness
Lang.: engCategory: Altro
Abstract: We survey the Happiness and Economics field to systematize the explanations of the happiness gender gap, whose puzzling evidence stands out both synchronically and diachronically. Further, this analysis is completed by an interdisciplinary review of competing perspectives, mostly from psychology and medical sciences. Beside disciplinary specificities and differences, results and explanations also reveal some intriguing commonalities. Psychology and medical sciences (also assisted by cutting edge medical technologies) lead in the static (time-invariant) explanation of happiness and its gender gap, while economic works are better equipped to detect external factors and the role of time-varying objective life conditions. In particular, the Happiness and Economics field has provided original evidence on the country and time variant nature of the happiness gender gap. Finally, different disciplines uncovered the common stylized fact that women are increasingly worse off during their life, by aging, with respect to men: its full explanation still remains at the center of the research agenda.
Note: Working paper series indexed in REPEC-IDEAS


Paolo Seri, A. Bianchi, Nicola Matteucci (2014), Diffusion and Usage of Public eServices in Europe: An Assessment of Country Level Indicators and Drivers in “Telecommunications Policy”, Vol. 38, n. 5-6, pp. 496-513
Lang.: engReferee: Esperti anonimiRilev.: InternazionaleCategory: Articolo in rivista
Keywords: eGovernment, eHealth, eProcurement, eParticipation, diffusion, usage, drivers, Europe.
Abstract: We analyze the state of the art of indicators on eGovernment, eHealth, eProcurement and ePartecipation: we survey the main methodological properties of these indicators, and highlight their heuristic potential. Further, we address empirically the issue of the explanation of the availability scores – i.e. how the supply of the various eServices in each country is affected by political, institutional and socio-economic differences, and is followed by actual usage. The econometric analysis uncovers the importance of broadband penetration and higher education as drivers for most of the types of eServices and users (citizens and businesses). Moreover, a corruption-free and agile public sector shows up to be an important pre-condition for more effective supply and usage. Despite data limitations and the complexity of the underlying diffusion phenomena, our study is the first truly longitudinal contribution aimed at disentangling the common drivers of such an important phenomenon – the eServices availability and usage across European countries. As such, this work appears useful to inform the policy debate and practice, in a phase characterized by a prospective reorientation of the public eServices provision and policy agenda.


Alessandro Sterlacchini (2014), Verso una politica industriale di alto profilo in Italia in “Eyesreg”, Vol. 4, n. 6
Lang.: itaReferee: Comitato scientificoRilev.: NazionaleCategory: Articolo in rivista


Alessandro Sterlacchini (2014), Il capitale tecnologico delle grandi imprese e la politica industriale in Leonardo Becchetti, Marco Bellandi, Patrizio Bianchi, Andrea Bollino, Roberto Camagni, Roberta Capello, Riccardo Cappellin, Stef, “Crescita, investimenti e territorio: il ruolo delle politiche industriali e regionali”, pp. 59-67
Lang.: itaISBN: 9788890963605Referee: Sì, ma tipo non specificatoRilev.: NazionaleCategory: Contributo in volume (Capitolo o Saggio)


Alessandro Sterlacchini (2014), Patent opposition in A. Sterlacchini, “Encyclopedia of Law and Economics”, pp. 1-8, Springer Science+Business Media, New York
Lang.: engISBN: 9781461478836Referee: Esperti anonimiRilev.: InternazionaleCategory: Voce (in dizionario o enciclopedia)


Alessandro Sterlacchini, Francesco Venturini (2014), R&D and Productivity in High-Tech Manufacturing: A Comparison between Italy and Spain in “Industry and Innovation”, Vol. 21, n. 5, pp. 359-379
Lang.: engReferee: Esperti anonimiRilev.: InternazionaleCategory: Articolo in rivista
Abstract: Using data for 12 manufacturing industries over the period 1980–2006, we perform for Italy and Spain a dynamic panel estimation of the long-run elasticity of total factor productivity (TFP) with respect to R&D capital. In spite of recording a level of R&D capital lower than Italian industries, the technology-based industries in Spain have experienced a similar or higher long-run impact on TFP. This is mainly attributable to what occurred from the mid-1990s onwards when, thanks to increasing R&D efforts, the Spanish industries have been able to catch up with respect to the Italian ones. These findings suggest that, also in countries classified as technology followers, R&D investment is a crucial condition for boosting manufacturing productivity.