[ 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 e precedenti ]
ISSN: 2279-9559 (dal n. 1 al n. 157), 2279-9567 (dal n. 158 al n. 363), 2279-9575 (dal n. 364 in poi)
247 | Eleonora CUTRINI | |
Trends in European Manufacturing Location: Country versus Region [dicembre 2005] | ||
Keywords: | ||
Theil dissimilarity entropy index, comparative advantages, european economic integration, european internal geography, relative concentration | ||
JEL Classification: | ||
L16 | Industrial Organization – Market Structure, Firm Strategy, and Market Performance – Industrial Organization and Macroeconomics: Industrial Structure and Structural Change; Industrial P | |
L60 | Industrial Organization – Industry Studies: Manufacturing – General | |
O18 | Economic Development, Technological Change, and Growth – Economic Development – Regional, Urban, and Rural Analyses; Transportation | |
O52 | Economic Development, Technological Change, and Growth – Economywide Country Studies – Europe | |
R12 | Urban, Rural, and Regional Economics – General Regional Economics – Size and Spatial Distributions of Regional Economic Activity | |
Abstract: | ||
The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether and to what extent European manufacturing location has been driven by regional localisation or national comparative advantages during the period 1985-2001. To this end, the relative concentration pattern of each industry is disentangled into within and between country components. The original methodology adopted is based on the use of the Theil dissimilarity entropy index allowing to handle two geographical levels of analysis. The evidence suggests that the agglomeration of manufacturing industries is more likely to find expression between the internal regions of each country rather than across countries. Counterintuitively, after the completion of the Single European Market the relevance of national border remains stable or even increase in the localisation of the majority of the sectors considered. | ||
Citations: CitEc | ||
246 | Antonio G. CALAFATI | |
"Traditional knowledge" and local development trajectories [dicembre 2005] | ||
JEL Classification: | ||
O12 | Economic Development, Technological Change, and Growth – Economic Development – Microeconomic Analyses of Economic Development | |
O18 | Economic Development, Technological Change, and Growth – Economic Development – Regional, Urban, and Rural Analyses; Transportation | |
R10 | Urban, Rural, and Regional Economics – General Regional Economics – General | |
R11 | Urban, Rural, and Regional Economics – General Regional Economics – Regional Economic Activity: Growth, Development, and Changes | |
Abstract: | ||
The paper discusses the concept of "traditional knowledge": its definition, economic significance and role in shaping regional development trajectories. After outlining a conceptual framework for the analysis of traditional knowledge, the paper examines the changing position of traditional knowledge in two Italian regions that have followed quite different development trajectories since the 1950s: the "Sibillini Mountains Region", which has one of the most complex human landscapes in Europe, and the "Marche Region footwear industrial district", one of the best performing territories in Italy during the decades 1950-2000. The analysis seems to corroborate the hypothesis that the role of traditional knowledge depends on a complex interplay between meta-preferences, relative prices and technologies coevolving in time. | ||
Citations: CitEc | ||
245 | Ugo FRATESI | |
Regional Policy from a Supra-Regional Perspective [novembre 2005] | ||
Keywords: | ||
agglomeration economics, interregional equity, national efficiency, regional policy | ||
JEL Classification: | ||
E61 | Macroeconomics and Monetary Economics – Macroeconomic Policy, Macroeconomic Aspects of Public Finance, and General Outlook – Policy Objectives; Policy Designs and Consistency; Policy Coordination | |
H79 | Public Economics – State and Local Government; Intergovernmental Relations – Other | |
R13 | Urban, Rural, and Regional Economics – General Regional Economics – General Equilibrium and Welfare Economic Analysis of Regional Economies | |
R58 | Urban, Rural, and Regional Economics – Regional Government Analysis – Regional Development Planning and Policy | |
Abstract: | ||
This paper introduces a new 2-country 4-region model in order to study the possible trade-offs arising between national efficiency and interregional equity, differentiating for different strengths of agglomeration economies and different regional productivities. In this static model the national policy maker can affect entrepreneurship through the set-up costs of firms. It is evidenced that, for countries composed of identical regions, spatially dispersed allocations of public productive expenditure are more efficient with low agglomeration economies whereas spatially concentrated allocations are more efficient with high agglomeration economies. As the regions become different, however, unbalanced allocations of public productive expenditure;towards the most advanced region become more efficient also in case of relatively weak agglomeration economies, until, for regions sufficiently different, the most efficient allocation of public productive expenditure is always to;concentrate it in the most advanced territories. For this reason, if some sort of lump-sum compensating mechanisms are available, short-sighted national policy makers, not taking into account long-run growth and factor mobility, can rationally decide to support the competitiveness of the already more-productive regions and transfer income to the lagging ones, a behaviour which is shown to have significant similarities with two real cases. | ||
Citations: CitEc | ||
244 | Chiara BROCCOLINI | |
Una prima valutazione degli effetti della riforma universitaria: il caso dell'Universita' Politecnica delle Marche [ottobre 2005] | ||
Keywords: | ||
avanzamento negli studi, drop-out, performance accademica, riforma universitaria | ||
JEL Classification: | ||
A23 | General Economics and Teaching – Economic Education and Teaching of Economics – Graduate | |
I21 | Health, Education, and Welfare – Education and Research Institutions – Analysis of Education | |
J22 | Labor and Demographic Economics – Demand and Supply of Labor – Time Allocation and Labor Supply | |
J24 | Labor and Demographic Economics – Demand and Supply of Labor – Human Capital; Skills; Occupational Choice; Labor Productivity | |
Abstract: | ||
Il sistema universitario italiano ha recentemente sperimentato una significativa trasformazione che ha comportato un vasto processo di revisione normativa di molti dei suoi elementi fondamentali. La riforma – entrata ufficialmente in vigore nell'annoaccademico 2001-2002 – ha sancito un rilevante cambiamento, reputato indispensabile anche sulla base dell'emergente consapevolezza della necessita' di superare alcuni aspetti critici che caratterizzano il nostro sistema e lo differenziano da quello degli altri Paesi, quali una eccessiva durata dei percorsi accademici ed un elevato tasso di abbandono degli studi. Nel presente lavoro si svolge una prima analisi dei risultati ottenuti in seguito all'introduzione della Riforma universitaria in Italia, con l'obiettivo di verificare se, l'implementazione della nuova strutturazione dei percorsi di studio si sia, ad oggi, rivelata adeguata nel perseguire gli obiettivi ministeriali o piuttosto abbia lasciato inalterate, se non accentuato, le disfunzioni tipiche del nostro sistema. A tal fine si intende replicare l'analisi compiuta da Boero et al. (2005) con riferimento alle Universita' di Cagliari e Viterbo. Il data set, costruito a partire dalla disponibilita' di alcuni dati amministrativi relativi all'Universita' Politecnica delle Marche, viene utilizzato per stimare quali fattori influenzano la probabilita' di drop-out tra il primo ed il secondo anno ed il livello di avanzamento nel percorso di studi. Dall'analisi emerge che il tasso di abbandono continua ad attestarsi su livelli particolarmente elevati e la percentuale di studenti in grado di rispettare i termini legali nel superamento degli esami e' tuttora notevolmente esigua. In linea con i risultati ottenuti per le Universita' di Cagliari e Viterbo, il background scolastico e la performance accademica precedente sono tra i fattori piu' rilevanti nel definire la probabilita' di abbandonare gli studi e la velocita' di progressione degli studenti. Da cio' si potrebbe ipotizzare che il raggiungimento degli obiettivi della riforma accademica necessiti di cambiamenti strutturali e istituzionali piu' radicali. Nella valutazione dei risultati ottenuti dall'analisi svolta, si e' consapevoli della difficolta' di trarre conclusioni univoche e definitive sulla base del comportamento di una singola coorte di studenti, in particolare della classe chiamata, per prima, a sperimentare la nuova strutturazione del percorso universitario. | ||
Citations: CitEc | ||
243 | Andrea PRESBITERO | |
The Debt-Growth Nexus: a Dynamic Panel Data Estimation [ottobre 2005] | ||
Keywords: | ||
HIPC, debt relief, economic growth, external debt | ||
JEL Classification: | ||
C33 | Mathematical and Quantitative Methods – Multiple or Simultaneous Equation Models; Multiple Variables – Models with Panel Data; Longitudinal Data; Spatial Time Series | |
F34 | International Economics – International Finance – International Lending and Debt Problems | |
H63 | Public Economics – National Budget, Deficit, and Debt – Debt; Debt Management; Sovereign Debt | |
O11 | Economic Development, Technological Change, and Growth – Economic Development – Macroeconomic Analyses of Economic Development | |
Abstract: | ||
This paper investigates the relationship between external debt and economic growth in poor countries. The adverse effects of external debt on economic performance are due to the crowding out of public investment and to the disincentive effects, because of debt overhang and uncertainty. Notwithstanding a general agreement on theory, empirical evidence is not conclusive and lacks of robustness. This contribution aims to shed more light on the relationship between external debt and economic growth and to draw some policy implication for debt relief. This work highlights the critical role of econometric and methodological issues. The results for a panel of 152 developing countries over the period 1977-2002 support a negative linear relationship between external debt and economic growth, and between debt service and investment. These effects are found to be stronger in the Low-Income Countries than in the overall sample, raising concern about the dramatic effect that debt has on economic performance in the world's poorest countries. In LICs, a debt reduction from a debt-to-exports ratio of 300 to the HIPC threshold of 150 is estimated to add more than one percentage point to per capita GDP growth, and a debt service reduction is found to be more than two times more effective than an equal increase in foreign aid. Eventually, external debt impairs economic growth through the liquidity constraint, the creation of macroeconomic instability, the lower efficiency of investment, and its effect on macroeconomic policies and institutional development. | ||
Citations: CitEc | ||
242 | Chiara BROCCOLINI, Stefano STAFFOLANI | |
Riforma universitaria e performance accademica: Un'analisi empirica presso la Facoltà di Economia dell'Università Politecnica delle Marche [settembre 2005] | ||
Keywords: | ||
educational production function, performance accademica, riforma universitaria, scelta della qualità scolastica | ||
JEL Classification: | ||
A23 | General Economics and Teaching – Economic Education and Teaching of Economics – Graduate | |
I21 | Health, Education, and Welfare – Education and Research Institutions – Analysis of Education | |
J22 | Labor and Demographic Economics – Demand and Supply of Labor – Time Allocation and Labor Supply | |
J24 | Labor and Demographic Economics – Demand and Supply of Labor – Human Capital; Skills; Occupational Choice; Labor Productivity | |
Abstract: | ||
In Italia, il sistema universitario ha recentemente sperimentato una significativa trasformazione che ha comportato un vasto processo di revisione normativa di molti dei suoi elementi fondamentali. Il modello 3+2(+3) definisce una nuova strutturazione dei titoli accademici, rispondendo alla necessita' di superare alcuni aspetti critici che caratterizzano il nostro sistema e lo differenziano da quello di altri Paesi: in particolare, una eccessiva durata degli studi ed un elevato tasso di abbandono. Rilvante appare l'analisi del contenuto che le disposizioni ministeriali hanno assunto nella loro fase applicativa. In altri termini, ci si domanda se, nel perseguire obiettivi di produttivita' di Ateneo si sia verificata, di fatto, una dequalificazione degli studi e, soprattutto, se corsi di laurea in cui si registrano peggiori performance accademiche medie degli studenti, siano maggiormente indotti a garantire un ridotto impegno agli iscritti, per conseguire il titolo di studio. L'obiettivo del presente lavoro e' verificare, in primo luogo, quali fattori risultino significativi nel definire la scelta di intraprendere uno specifico indirizzo di studio, al fine di individuare l'eventuale tendenza all'autoselezione da parte degli studenti tra i diversi percorsi accademici. In secondo luogo, si intende valutare se in seguito alla modifica dei titoli di studio sia aumentata la probabilita' di conseguire migliori risultati con una riduzione dell'impegno richiesto allo studente. I dati utilizzati sono stati raccolti attraverso un questionario sottoposto agli studenti laureandi della Facolta' di Economia dell'Universita' di Ancona. Al momento si dispone di informazioni relative alle sessioni di laurea degli anni 2003, 2004 (solo sessione estiva e autunnale) e 2005 (sessione straordinaria). | ||
Citations: CitEc | ||
241 | Antonio G. CALAFATI | |
From 'territory' to 'city': the conceptualisation of space in Italy since 1950 [settembre 2005] | ||
JEL Classification: | ||
O12 | Economic Development, Technological Change, and Growth – Economic Development – Microeconomic Analyses of Economic Development | |
O18 | Economic Development, Technological Change, and Growth – Economic Development – Regional, Urban, and Rural Analyses; Transportation | |
R10 | Urban, Rural, and Regional Economics – General Regional Economics – General | |
R11 | Urban, Rural, and Regional Economics – General Regional Economics – Regional Economic Activity: Growth, Development, and Changes | |
Abstract: | ||
The paper argues that the way in which social scientists and policy-makers have conceptualised the Italian territory has significantly changed since the 1950s as a consequence of methodological shifts and attempts to capture the changing territorial organisation of the economy brought about by the structural transformation of the production and consumption process. In retrospect, one can in fact discern a conceptual trajectory from the standard 'Northern Italy'/'Southern Italy' partition, which prevailed until the 1970s, to an interpretation of the Italian territory as a pattern of local systems which slowly emerged in the subsequent decades. The paper suggests that the concept of 'local system', if correctly interpreted, may finally lead to rediscover cities as the fundamental elements of the territorial organisation of the economic process in Italy. However difficult economists may find to insert 'the city' in the categorical and theoretical framework of economics, it seems necessary to assign to the features of urban organisation of the Italian society the economic importance they indeed have. By moving from a modern interpretation of the concept of city – for instance by giving adequate consideration to the fact that in Western economies practically all cities are 'dispersed cities' and functional rather than administrative borders are relevant – one can reach the conclusion that most local systems are in fact cities. This way of looking at the Italian territory has important consequences. For instance, it reinstates urban external economies and dis-economies in the position they deserve in determining the development trajectory of the Italian economy. This perspective, moreover, re-assigns to the main Italian urban systems the economic role that they have indeed played in recent decades with regard to the innovation and accumulation processes, and highlights the key position that large cities have in reacting to the external shocks that accompany the changing international division of labour. Moreover, if the economic importance of cities is not acknowledged, it is questionable whether effective regional and national development policies can be devised. The critical-historical analysis of the conceptualisation of the Italian territory since the 1950s conducted in this paper, highlighting the conceptual barriers which have impeded appreciation of the role of cities, may prove functional to a paradigmatic shift which puts cities at the centre of the stage – a shift which is also in line with the new orientation toward cities one finds in the EU territorial policies. | ||
Citations: CitEc | ||
240 | Renato BALDUCCI | |
Public Expenditure and Economic Growth. A critical extension of Barro's (1990) model [agosto 2005] | ||
Keywords: | ||
economic growth, public expenditure | ||
JEL Classification: | ||
H5 | Public Economics – National Government Expenditures and Related Policies | |
O4 | Economic Development, Technological Change, and Growth – Economic Growth and Aggregate Productivity | |
Abstract: | ||
I intend to verify whether the results obtained by Barro (1990) in relation to the effects of both productive investments and public consumption on economic growth are also confirmed in a more general context. As is well-known, public expenditure may exert an effect on the economic growth rate through the positive externality in the productivity of the capital stock. When public expenditure in the households' utility function is considered, a further effect operates to modify the saving and investment decisions of households, depending on the relative weight of public consumption. In particular, if households consider public expenditure to be useful, I shall show that – whatever the exogenous fiscal policy may be – the growth rate is always higher than it is in the case of productive investments alone. Moreover, if households are able to choose the optimal income tax rate, an optimal growth rate greater than the maximum one may be obtained. | ||
Citations: CitEc | ||
239 | Sabatino Massimo LONGOBARDI, Stefano LUCARELLI | |
Claudio Napoleoni ad Ancona: Lezioni di Economia politica [luglio 2005] | ||
Abstract: | ||
La decisione di intraprendere lo studio del periodo 1963-69 in cui Claudio Napoleoni ha insegnato presso l'universitèdi Ancona è nato dalla possibilità di aver avuto accesso allo steno-dattiloscritto di uno studente dell'epoca. Le lezioni riguardano il corso di economia politica e sociale. Il paper si articola a partire da un'attenta riflessione sugli argomenti trattati nelle lezioni. Particolare attenzione abbiamo dedicato alla trattazione che Napoleoni fa del pensiero di Keynes e dei modelli di sviluppo economico. La seconda parte è costituita da un'analisi del contesto storico in cui si sviluppa la facoltà di Economia di Ancona, sulla base di testimonianze rilasciate da allievi e colleghi di Claudio Napoleoni. Gli interessi di ricerca di Napoleoni così come emergono dalle lezioni, dai ricordi raccolti e dalle pubblicazioni del periodo, sono messi a confronto in particolare con le ricerche che in quegli anni sono svolte ad Ancona ad opera di Giorgio Fuà. Questo confronto appare significativo soprattutto alla luce del dibattito sulla politica economica che in quegli anni impegnò in modo diverso sia Napoleoni che Fuà. | ||
Citations: CitEc | ||
238 | Roberto ESPOSTI, Pierpaolo PIERANI | |
Price, Private Demand and Optimal Provision of Public R&D in Italian Agriculture [giugno 2005] | ||
Keywords: | ||
R&D price, public agricultural R&D, variable cost function | ||
JEL Classification: | ||
O30 | Economic Development, Technological Change, and Growth – Technological Change; Research and Development – General | |
Q16 | Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics; Environmental and Ecological Economics – Agriculture – R&D; Agricultural Technology; Biofuels; Agricultural Extension Services | |
Abstract: | ||
The current paper presents a model in which public R&D stock is included as a quasi-fixed input in a variable cost function. Its price affects the long run desired level, while its shadow price indicates whether under (over) investment occurs in the short run. Two alternative R&D prices and – thus – two different long-run desired levels, are defined. One concerns the private (farmer) perspective, in which farmers express demand under the assumption of costless R&D. The other considers the societal point of view, in which the objective is the optimal public R&D supply conditioned on its cost. Application of the above model to the Italian agricultural context (1960-1995) suggests a significant difference between these private and social desired R&D levels. The latter are, on average, closer to the observed values, though over-investment has emerged since the mid-eighties. | ||
Citations: CitEc | ||
237 | Andrea BONFIGLIO | |
Sector Potentiality and Sources of Growth. An Analysis of Structural Changes in Italy in the Nineties [giugno 2005] | ||
Keywords: | ||
I-O elasticities, decomposition analysis, input-output frameworks, left causative matrix, multipliers, structural changes | ||
JEL Classification: | ||
C63 | Mathematical and Quantitative Methods – Mathematical Methods; Programming Models; Mathematical and Simulation Modeling – Computational Techniques; Simulation Modeling | |
C67 | Mathematical and Quantitative Methods – Mathematical Methods; Programming Models; Mathematical and Simulation Modeling – Input–Output Models | |
D57 | Microeconomics – General Equilibrium and Disequilibrium – Input–Output Tables and Analysis | |
O11 | Economic Development, Technological Change, and Growth – Economic Development – Macroeconomic Analyses of Economic Development | |
O39 | Economic Development, Technological Change, and Growth – Technological Change; Research and Development – Other | |
Abstract: | ||
The objective of this article is to analyse structural changes which occurred in Italy in the period 1992-2000. The analysis is carried out within the I-O framework by the use of multipliers, I-O elasticities, structural decomposition and causative approaches. These tools are used to assess over time the degree of sector interrelationships, the potentiality of sectors in fostering economic growth, the sources of change in the economy and contribution of sectors to growth. In particular, the structural decomposition approach is based on the use of a revised version of RAS finalised to isolate productivity and substitution effects affecting technology changes. From the analysis, there emerges that, in the nineties, the process of development has led to reinforcement of sectors more related to service supply and to an increasing reduction of the importance of agriculture and manufacturing sectors. Moreover, Italy has been interested by structural changes mainly due to the variation of the level of final demand, in particular of consumption, rather than technological changes. Finally, the Italian economy, in line with the general tendency of other industrialised countries, has been involved by the process of rising diffusion and importance of computer and communication technologies throughout the whole economy. | ||
Citations: CitEc | ||
236 | Gabriele MORETTINI | |
I fattori demografici come determinanti della crescita economica: un'analisi empirica [maggio 2005] | ||
Keywords: | ||
componenti della popolazione, crescita, robustezza, struttura demografica, timing | ||
JEL Classification: | ||
C21 | Mathematical and Quantitative Methods – Single Equation Models; Single Variables – Cross-Sectional Models; Spatial Models; Treatment Effect Models; Quantile Regressions | |
C82 | Mathematical and Quantitative Methods – Data Collection and Data Estimation Methodology; Computer Programs – Methodology for Collecting, Estimating, and Organizing Macroeconomic Data; Data Analysis | |
J10 | Labor and Demographic Economics – Demographic Economics – General | |
J11 | Labor and Demographic Economics – Demographic Economics – Demographic Trends and Forecasts | |
O40 | Economic Development, Technological Change, and Growth – Economic Growth and Aggregate Productivity – General | |
Abstract: | ||
Il presente lavoro vuole approfondire le relazioni tra crescita economica e dinamica demografica cercando in particolare di evidenziare l'influsso dei fattori demografici sull'andamento dell'economia. L'approccio scelto è di tipo applicato: si procede ad un'analisi cross country tramite regressioni miranti a stimare l'impatto dei differenti elementi demografici sulla crescita del reddito pro capite. Le relazioni d'interesse sono poi testate su un ampio numero di campioni in modo da giungere a conclusioni robuste, che non mutano a seconda del set informativo utilizzato. I risultati ottenuti sembrano mostrare che i fattori demografici possiedono una capacità esplicativa della dinamica economica, condizionata a una corretta specificazione. In questo modo si riescono ad individuare gli elementi più significativi e i canali principali attraverso cui si snodano le relazioni tra i due campi. E' così possibile capire non solo se, ma anche come gli elementi demografici influenzano la crescita economica. Si nota come le relazioni mutano nel tempo e nello spazio, spesso in relazione alla Transizione Demografica e al grado di sviluppo. Vanno così interpretate in un'ottica di causazione cumulata, con mutue interazioni tra la sfera economica e quella demografica. | ||
Citations: CitEc | ||
235 | Alessia LO TURCO | |
The Growth Impact of Structural Reforms in Latin America. Another Look [maggio 2005] | ||
Abstract: | ||
Aim of this paper is to further investigate the growth effects of structural reforms in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). Although some work on the topic already exists this is based on dynamic panel data models where reforms are measured by means of the Reform Indexes, originally calculated by Lora et al.(1997) and then extended by Morley et al.(1999) for the period 1970-1995. Now, with much of the reform effort in LAC countries concentrated in the end of the 80s and in the beginning of the 90s, an empirical analysis with observations up to 1995 might not be enough for a correct detection of growth effects of structural reforms. Moreover, previous results might be driven by the estimation strategy too. Within this frame, this paper tries to contribute in both ways. Firstly, an actualized version of the Reform Indexes(Escaith et al.(2003)) is used with observations up to 2000. Secondly, differently from previous studies, the estimation strategy is based on the adoption of Within Group estimator and Kiviet(1995) correction for Within Group estimator when, given the number of cross-section units, a shorter time dimension is at hand. Results are compared to estimates from Arellano and Bondo first difference estimator. Finally a sensitivity analysis is performed in order to check the robustness of results. |
Citations: CitEc | ||
234 | Gabriele MORETTINI | |
L'influsso deo fattori demografici sull'economia italiana. Un'analisi empirica nel periodo 1951-2001 [aprile 2005] | ||
Keywords: | ||
componenti e struttura demografica, crescita, robustezza, timing | ||
JEL Classification: | ||
C82 | Mathematical and Quantitative Methods – Data Collection and Data Estimation Methodology; Computer Programs – Methodology for Collecting, Estimating, and Organizing Macroeconomic Data; Data Analysis | |
J10 | Labor and Demographic Economics – Demographic Economics – General | |
J11 | Labor and Demographic Economics – Demographic Economics – Demographic Trends and Forecasts | |
O21 | Economic Development, Technological Change, and Growth – Development Planning and Policy – Planning Models; Planning Policy | |
O40 | Economic Development, Technological Change, and Growth – Economic Growth and Aggregate Productivity – General | |
Abstract: | ||
Il presente lavoro si propone di approfondire le relazioni tra crescita economica e dinamica demografica, al centro di un intenso dibattito in letteratura. In particolare si cerca di evidenziare il ruolo svolto dai fattori demografici nella crescita economica. L'interesse è rivolto al caso italiano, in cui le regioni e province sono caratterizzate da ampi divari economici e trend demografici divergenti. L'obiettivo è capire, tramite un'opportuna analisi cross section, se i difformi sentieri di sviluppo percorsi nel dopoguerra sono in relazione con situazioni demografiche quanto mai eterogenee. L'utilizzo di differenti banche dati e di vari campioni, sia geografici che temporali, è funzionale al raggiungimento di risultati che possano essere considerati robusti. I risultati ottenuti confermano l'importanza dei fattori demografici, che rivestono (se studiati opportunamente) un ruolo significativo nella determinazione della crescita economica, su cui influiscono in varie forme e modi. I legami individuati non sono però fissi e immutabili ma variano nel tempo e nello spazio. E' dunque necessario prestare attenzione alle fonti e al timing dei cambiamenti demografici, che vanno comunque inseriti in un contesto di causazione cumulata, con feedback reciproci tra demografia ed economia. In questo modo è possibile interpretare lo sviluppo economico italiano del secondo Dopoguerra nonché le forti divergenze regionali che hanno segnato e tuttora caratterizzano l'economia del paese. | ||
Citations: CitEc | ||
233 | Barbara ERMINI, Massimo G. COLOMBO | |
Crescita d'impresa, dimensione ed età nelle imprese high-tech [aprile 2005] | ||
Abstract: | ||
In questo articolo viene stimato l'impatto della dimensione e dell'età dell'impresa sulla crescita di 310 imprese italiane ad elevata tecnologia. La relazione tra crescita, dimensione ed età viene valutata sia per l'intero campione che con riguardo al settore di appartenenza e a diverse classi di età delle imprese nel tentativo di individuare eventuali pecualiarità nel pattern di crescita attribuibili a fattori industry-specific o alla fase del ciclo di vita delle imprese. I risultati ottenuti evidenziano una relazione negativa tra la crescita e la dimensione dell'impresa che spinge a rifiutare la Legge di Gibrat. Il fattore età non ha generalmente un impatto significativo sulla crescita delle imprese high-tech esaminate in questo lavoro; unica eccezione si rileva nel caso delle giovani imprese la cui crescita è influenzata positivamente dal fattore età. Quest'ultimo risultato contrasta con quanto implicato dal modello di Jovanovich (1982) e con l'evidenza empirica dominante. | ||
Citations: CitEc | ||
232 | Roberto ESPOSTI, Antonello LOBIANCO | |
Modelling the Impact of 2003 CAP Reform on Crop Production. The Case of Durum Wheat in Italy [aprile 2005] | ||
Keywords: | ||
commodity market models, common agricultural policy, italian agriculture | ||
JEL Classification: | ||
Q11 | Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics; Environmental and Ecological Economics – Agriculture – Aggregate Supply and Demand Analysis; Prices | |
Q18 | Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics; Environmental and Ecological Economics – Agriculture – Agricultural Policy; Food Policy | |
Abstract: | ||
This paper aims to summarize some of the major results emerging from simulating the impact of the CAP reform (the so-called Fischler Reform or Luxembourg Agreement, LA) within the AG-MEMOD model of the agri-food sector in Italy. The paper shows in detail how the model generates impacts when alternative policy scenarios (Agenda 2000 vs. LA) are specified. As major evidence of this impact in the Italian case, the crop sector is dealt with in detail. In particular, the case of supplementary payments for durum wheat clarifies how the reform may specifically affect Mediterranean agriculture and how alternative specifications of the regime change in durum wheat support may relevantly affect the impact. | ||
Citations: CitEc | ||
231 | David BARTOLINI | |
The Italian Auction for Radio Spectrum Licences [aprile 2005] | ||
Abstract: | ||
Questo lavoro affronta il tema delle aste per l'assegnazione di "beni pubblici". L'analisi si concentra sulla assegnazione di terza generazione per la telfonia mobile in Europa. Il lavoro prende in considerazione alcune tipologie di "asta" per analizzare l'appropriatezza di questo strumento nei vari paesi Europei. Quest'ultima analisi e' condotta in modo approfondito per il caso Italiano e quello Britannico. Il principale risultato della ricerca riguarda l'inappropriatezza della tipologia di asta utilizzata in Italia, dove non si tenuto conto delle interconnessioni esistenti fra le varie aste Europee. In particolare, la forte complementarieta' delle licenze nei vari paesi Europei, fa si' che chi si aggiudica alcune licenze ha un maggiore incentivo ad accaparrarsi anche le restanti. E questo sembra proprio essere il messaggio che scaturisce dall'analisi delle aste in Europa. | ||
Citations: CitEc | ||
230 | Andrea BONFIGLIO | |
Ca Non-survey Methods Substitute for Survey-based Models ? A Performance Analysis of Indirect Techniques of Estimating I-O Coefficients and Multipliers [marzo 2005] | ||
Keywords: | ||
input-output matrices, non survey-techniques, performances analysis, survey-based model | ||
JEL Classification: | ||
C15 | Mathematical and Quantitative Methods – Econometric and Statistical Methods and Methodology: General – Statistical Simulation Methods: General | |
C42 | – – | |
C67 | Mathematical and Quantitative Methods – Mathematical Methods; Programming Models; Mathematical and Simulation Modeling – Input–Output Models | |
R15 | Urban, Rural, and Regional Economics – General Regional Economics – Econometric and Input–Output Models; Other Models | |
Abstract: | ||
The objective of this article is to evaluate performances of eight non-survey methods in reproducing a survey-based I-O model in a both partitive and holistic sense. In order to evaluate methods, a package of statistics is selected and applied. The main results of the analysis are as follows. The Purchases-only Location Quotient (PLQ) demonstrates to overcome all the others in reproducing survey-based I-O coefficients whereas the Flegg et al. Location Quotient (FLQ) performs better in estimating survey-based output multipliers. Overall, the non-survey methods examined produce better results in estimating multipliers rather than I-O coefficients. In any case, estimates are too far from the survey-based ones. For this reason, methods should not be used alone but integrated with all available exogenous information within hybrid procedures. | ||
Citations: CitEc | ||
229 | Alessia LO TURCO | |
Integration Agreements, FDI and Structural Reforms. An Analysis of the Determinants of European Investment in Latin America [febbraio 2005] | ||
Abstract: | ||
This study addresses the topic of the determinants of EU FDI in Latin America, especially in MERCOSUR countries, having care to disentangle the role of the integration agreement from other national policies inspired from the general sub-continental reform effort occurred in the last decades. The results obtained from the analysis suggest a strong role both for the policy frame of structural reforms and, especially, the MERCOSUR agreement in determining FDI inflows into the Latin American region. |
Citations: CitEc | ||
228 | Maurizio CIASCHINI, Claudio SOCCI, Enzo VALENTINI | |
Gli effetti della riforma fiscale: nuova IRE e potenziali scenari a confronto [febbraio 2005] | ||
Keywords: | ||
IRE, cambiamenti strutturali, matrice di contabilità sociale | ||
JEL Classification: | ||
C67 | Mathematical and Quantitative Methods – Mathematical Methods; Programming Models; Mathematical and Simulation Modeling – Input–Output Models | |
D31 | Microeconomics – Distribution – Personal Income, Wealth, and Their Distributions | |
D57 | Microeconomics – General Equilibrium and Disequilibrium – Input–Output Tables and Analysis | |
E62 | Macroeconomics and Monetary Economics – Macroeconomic Policy, Macroeconomic Aspects of Public Finance, and General Outlook – Fiscal Policy | |
Abstract: | ||
L'analisi della riforma relativa alle aliquote IRE non puo' limitarsi alla descrizione del solo risparmio fiscale per le diverse categorie di percettori di reddito. L'aspetto rilevante di tale manovra dovrebbe essere il rilancio dell'economia attraverso un sostegno alla domanda finale. L'attenzione dovrebbe spostarsi quindi sui possibili effetti economici, che possono essere considerati in termini disaggregati, sia per le attivita' produttive sia per i settori istituzionali. Tale strumento dovrebbe avere effetti sulla produzione industriale, mediante il reddito che genera la nuova domanda finale dei settori istituzionali. Nell'analisi che segue si utilizzera' un modello multisettoriale di tipo esteso, cioe' in grado di descrivere l'intero flusso circolare del reddito, per valutare l'impatto sulla produzione industriale della riforma IRE e si proporranno potenziali scenari alternativi al fine di valutare modalita' differenti d'intervento a parita' di risorse utilizzate. | ||
Citations: CitEc | ||
227 | Massimo TAMBERI | |
Specializzazione commerciale e prospettive di crescita nei paesi del mediterraneo meridionale [febbraio 2005] | ||
Keywords: | ||
economic development, non parametric econometrics, specialisation | ||
Abstract: | ||
In questo lavoro sono analizzati temi riguardanti la specializzazione complessiva e i vantaggi comparati dei paesi della sponda sud del Mediterraneo, in riferimento a possibili traiettorie di sviluppo economico. Il lavoro e' suddiviso in due sezioni. Nella prima viene evidenziata la relazione tra livello di sviluppo economico e la specializzazione complessiva; si utilizzano stime semiparametriche con tre diversi indicatori di specializzazione complessiva, derivati dalla distribuzione settoriale dei vantaggi comparati. Le stime di tipo GAM su un campione di 43 paesi dimostrano che la specializzazione decresce al crescere del reddito pro-capite (avendo controllato per effetti specifici e dimensioni dell'economia). Nella seconda sezione si prendono esplicitamente in considerazione i paesi mediterranei. Viene mostrato che i vantaggi comparati risultano fortemente concentrati nei settori "tradizionali" e quasi esclusivamente legati al basso costo del lavoro. I bassi livelli di produttivita' influenzano negativamente il CLUP nella maggior parte dei settori non tradizionali, anche se il sottogruppo asiatico differisce parzialmente da quello affricano). | ||
Citations: CitEc | ||
226 | Andrea BONFIGLIO | |
Analysing EU Accession Effects in Romania by a Multiregional I-O Model [febbraio 2005] | ||
Keywords: | ||
EU accession, development policies, multiregional I-O model, policy impact | ||
JEL Classification: | ||
C82 | Mathematical and Quantitative Methods – Data Collection and Data Estimation Methodology; Computer Programs – Methodology for Collecting, Estimating, and Organizing Macroeconomic Data; Data Analysis | |
R15 | Urban, Rural, and Regional Economics – General Regional Economics – Econometric and Input–Output Models; Other Models | |
R58 | Urban, Rural, and Regional Economics – Regional Government Analysis – Regional Development Planning and Policy | |
Abstract: | ||
The objective of this article is to assess labour income and employment effects in Romania coming from development policies defined in the proposed 2007-09 EU accession financial package. The methodology used is based on a multiregional I-O model, which allows capturing specificities and interrelationships among the 8 Romanian development regions and to know impact distribution on the territory. The I-O model is constructed from a multiregional I-O table derived by a three-stage estimation method. Impact is mapped through a Geographic Information System. Main results show that EU accession will lead to large positive effects in Romania, which vary according to the region considered. In this connection, the South and the North-East regions are those on which benefits tend to concentrate. Finally, policy would seem to reduce regional and sectoral income disparities, leading to more balanced development. On the contrary, in terms of employment, policy would increase divergences, albeit, from an analysis of single region economy, a general tendency to a reduction of sector disparities is noticed. | ||
Citations: CitEc | ||
225 | Enzo VALENTINI | |
Psychological Factors in Job Satisfaction [febbraio 2005] | ||
Keywords: | ||
HRM practices, gift exchange, job satisfatcion, workers' partecipation | ||
JEL Classification: | ||
D23 | Microeconomics – Production and Organizations – Organizational Behavior; Transaction Costs; Property Rights | |
J28 | Labor and Demographic Economics – Demand and Supply of Labor – Safety; Job Satisfaction; Related Public Policy | |
J53 | Labor and Demographic Economics – Labor–Management Relations, Trade Unions, and Collective Bargaining – Labor–Management Relations; Industrial Jurisprudence | |
Abstract: | ||
In recent years, researchers have paid increasing attention to "factors" in job satisfaction. The relevance of this topic derives from considering that it can affect labor market behavior in relevant ways influencing productivity, effort, absenteeism, and quits. In this paper, I analyze data from the "Working in Britain, 2000" questionnaire and what I find confirms the effects of the personal condition on job satisfaction, as shown in previous studies. In advance, the analysis I have carried out gives results that are compatible with intuitions coming from studies on psychological incentives: it is important to spread information and to give voice, but it is necessary to choose means perceived as really democratic and credible; pay methods based on material incentives can hit job satisfaction, in particular if they are strictly linked to definite and explicit targets; the presence of a supervisor can be considered as a help, but it must not become a merely control activity; organizing work in teams it could be an easily way to introduce informal mechanisms of control and, at the same time, to increase job satisfaction; the aim of favoring job satisfaction in a gift exchange view could be a good explanation for general training implemented by firms. | ||
Citations: CitEc | ||
224 | Alessia LO TURCO | |
The EU-Mercosur Association Process. An Analysis of Bilateral Trade [gennaio 2005] | ||
Abstract: | ||
This study presents the evolution and actual situation of EU-MERCOSUR association process. The focus here is on trade relations according to the different technology intensities of the exchanged goods. The analysis results are used to evaluate the strength and weaknesses of the first inter-continental integrated area and to gain some preliminary insights on MERCOSUR growth prospects within the agreement frame. The final section, moreover, shows some future avenues for research. | ||
Citations: CitEc | ||
223 | Francesco CHELLI, Alberto NICCOLI | |
Ancora a proposito di funzioni di utilità di una fondazione bancaria [gennaio 2005] | ||
Citations: CitEc | ||
222 | Francesco CHELLI | |
The Study of Competition Among Local Areas: A Functional Analysis Approach [gennaio 2005] | ||
Citations: CitEc | ||