Texts and references for the preparation of the interview – phd 40th cycle

Candidates can study on the suggested texts and references or on equivalent texts. For the interview, candidates may choose two of the following four areas.


  • Varian Hal R. (1992), Microeconomic Analysis. (3rd Ed), Norton & C., N.Y. Capp. 1-5; 10, 13, 14, 16, 18.


Econometrics and statistics

  • Stock, James H., and Mark W. Watson. Introduction to econometrics. Pearson, 2020
  • (alternatively) Lucchetti R. Basic Econometrics 


  • Lütkepohl H. & M. Krätzig Applied Time Series Econometrics Cambridge University Press 2004 – Chs 2-3

Finance and financial economics

  • Saltari E. Di Pietro M., 2019, Introduzione all’Economia Finanziaria, Esculapio, Cap 1-7
  • Tirole J.,2006, The Theory of Corporate Finance, Princeton University Press, Cap 1-6